Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The above Picture is the Appalachian mountains
Quebec, Canada.
 Montreal,  is located on the southwest province  in Quebec, Canada it is located in North America. Montreal’s location is near the Ottawa Rivers and near the port of Saint Lawrence Seaway, which is a short distance from the Great lakes. The geology of Quebec can be described in a series of main geological regions such as,  the plains , the Appalachians and the lowlands.  The Appalachian mountains are a thin strip of weathered mountains, and  are located near the southeast of Quebec. The lowlands are not large in range but are heavily populated.  The variety in  its geology has very in little in part by have to  do with the kind of  weather that  it receives.The weather in Montreal, QC, Canada is  known to be very humid , and  precipitation is abundant . Quebec has a large average of snowfall and rainfall, summer being the wettest season but also one of the sunniest.It's diverse geology and bodies of water sorrounding quebec  are in partly responsible for its humidity and precipitation.

Air Dynamics
The Above graph is  a yearly monthly average of recorded humidity in percentages for Canada. Humidity is essential to measure future precipitation and the  air dynamic.

Montreal is not known to be heavily dry, and  its wet conditions yearly do not directly correlate with the average seasons climates. Winter is still very cold, and summers are   warm, Montreal’s location  is near a large body of water causing modified maritime air masses, its small range of mountains impartially reduces the maritime air dynamic to petite in the continental artic. The kinds of weather patterns in Quebec are not consistent.
This kind of produces Showers and Thunderstorms; Highly associated to the kind in Quebec

The  small range of mountains near Montreal are in part response for its dryness on occasion. Since its location is very near the ocean the  air is moved up into a motion around the mountains. The mountains serve as a barrier to cool the air as it descends to the “other side”, When it gets to the other side of the mountain, the probability of moisture is decreased. However, because the range of mountains near Montreal is very minimal, there is still a lot of moisture that they receive because of the  maritime air moving towards Montreal.  Not to say that Montreal has precipitation everyday, however their yearly averages are about 900mm. Could you imagine that?  In order for rainfall to be abundant low pressure systems must be present and move the warm air into the atmosphere.

The Above graph is representing the correlation of rainfall and snowfall with monthly average temperatures that are high and low.
The average temperature in highs and lows are very extreme in Montreal, QC, Canada. Montreal is surrounded by rivers and near the ocean,  allowing for very warm summers and snowy winters. The winters in Montreal  are severe, with very low temperatures  of about 17 degrees Fahrenheit  and summers consist of highs up to 91 degrees  Fahrenheit. The correlatation that can be concluded from these two graphs is the skewness in temperatures and the precipitation  averages are similar.  Snowfall is the exception in the above graphs, since it correlates mainly with the average seasonal changes.

Cloud Types

 The kinds of clouds mostly seen in Quebec are known as nimbostratus clouds,  because of the high precipitation that they receive.   Because of Montreal’s close location to the ocean  this kind of cloud is quite common.  As previously discussed,  Montreal’s high precipitation is  not correlated to the kind of weather during the season. It can surely rain in February, which is very rarely seen in continental air type locations.
Above shown is the most recent weather report for Montreal, QC,Canada. As you may notice there is still high precipitation and snowfall headed for them later this month. Also notice,  a large amount of snow fall they have received recently within March 1st- March 9th, 2015

- https://www.ec.gc.ca/ouragans-hurricanes/default.asp?lang=En&n=EF6F2FEF-1
- http://www.montreal.climatemps.com
- http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/71627.html

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